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Setting up Windows 10 Mail with DNS Exit Outgoing Mail Relay

Step 1

Click the Windows button from the desktop.

Step 2

Open the Windows Mail application.

Step 3

Click the Settings icon.

Step 4

Click the Manage Accounts.

Step 5

Click the Add Account.

Step 6

Click the Advanced Setup.

Step 7

Click the Internet email.

Step 8

Enter your incoming mail server details such as Account Name, Your name, incoming mail server, Account type, Username and Password. If you do not have these details, check with your service provider or your administrator.

Change the Outgoing (SMTP) email server setting to

NOTE: By default, the SMTP server will be connected on port 25. However, this port is often blocked by ISP, we recommend you use either port 26, 80, 940, 587, 2525, 8001 instead. For example, if you want to try the port 80, then change the Outgoing (SMTP) email server setting to

Make sure that the setting Outgoing server requires authentication is enabled.

Enter your Mail Relay Username into User name, and your Relay Password into Password.

Enable the Require SSL for outgoing email setting.

Click the Sign in button.

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